Meet the owners

I grew up in France in a family where we were always encouraged to find a natural remedy to heal an illness, where chiropractic visits were the norms and where my mother always encouraged my sisters and I to look beyond a person’s exterior appearance and truly connect to who they are inside. She always encouraged us to tune into our emotions and connect to our feelings. Because of that I grew up relying on my inner ‘gut’ feelings to navigate the world.

It is what attracted me to yoga, people looked happy and serene and I myself felt a strong sense of peace after taking a class. I stumbled upon yoga some 17 years ago, jumped into taking Ana Forrest’s teacher training almost immediately and have been teaching every since.

I have done many different trainings in the past 17 years and studied with the likes of Seane Corn, Gurumukh, Steve Ross, Erich Shifman and more recently Tracee Standley, taking in as many of the gems they had to offer along the way and forging my own practice from those gems. From Ana Forrest I learned the power of the breath and alignment; from Seane Corn, I found my true authentic voice; from Steve Ross, I learned the importance of a good playlist, from Erich Shifman, the beauty of moving into stillness and from Tracee Standely, the importance of rest.

My main goal when teaching is to make the students feel welcome, experience joy and peace and leave class with a smile on their faces. It is the same philosophy that I want to bring to Soul Movement Yoga.

Our daily life can often be stressful and chaotic. Many people yearned to find a place where they can stretch their body, mind and soul , be accepted for who they are and find peace. This is why I created Soul Movement Yoga.

The first time I ever took a yoga class I had no idea what I was doing. I couldn’t touch my toes or bend backwards and I felt as I was flopping around without any sense of direction. By the time we got to savasana I was spent and had the most relaxing 10 minutes of my life. Once I got out of class I thought “there is something to this.” It was another 6 months before I found myself in another class and this time it was a yoga retreat that a friend of mine ‘coerced me’ into coming to. By the time the weekend was over I was hooked and signing up for teacher’s training within a month.

So yes I’ve been the girl who feels inflexible, who can’t shut down her mind and who has no idea what she is doing. I’ve fallen in half moon, gave myself burns from falling on my forehead while attempting to do crow and laugh at myself every step of the way. I’ve been teaching for over 17 years and I still can’t hold a crow for more than 15 seconds, still need the wall to hold a handstand and I’m not all the way down when I try split. But none of these matters, what matters is that I love teaching and I love practicing.

So, come to Soul Movement. I promise you an environment where you can feel free to be yourself and evolve at your own pace.

I’m Malaurie,

I am a recent convert to and lover of yoga. I’ve dabbled in a Yoga practice in years past, but not until practicing Yoga with Malaurie at her retreat in Joshua Tree did I experience the power of this ancient spiritual practice. This retreat weekend was life changing, to say the least, and here I am now diving all in as we open Soul Movement Yoga together.

I had the absolute privilege of completing a Yoga Teachers Training with Tracee Stanley. I went from that training right into a Yoga Nidra Teachers Training with Tracee as well. AND THEN SOME MORE TRAINING AFTER THAT :) The teaching I’ve received has mainly been rooted in the Tantra/Sri Vidya/Himalayan Tradition of Yoga, of which I am obsessed.

By trade and training I am a therapist. I have a masters in Marriage & Family Therapy. I LOVE exploring all the ways Yoga and Depth Psychology practices intertwine and complement one another. I am committed to my own growth and development and to helping others increase their consciousness. My major joy in life comes when I get to witness others connect to the truth within themselves.

hi! im holly,

My full name is Gwendolyn Von DoggieMcDogFace (it’s on my papers). I am an English Golden Retriever and I know only love. I love you. I don’t have to know you yet, it’s fine. I love you no matter what. I’m just made for love and love is all I know.

I am excellent at Down Dog and Shavasana. I can be found mostly taking naps at the studio. If I am awake I like receiving belly rubs and licking toes. Yoga studios are a perfect place to find a lot of exposed toes. My moms apologize in advance. I am basically the studio manager so please lodge all complaints via ear scratches. I am there most Saturdays and a few other days during the week. You don’t have to do yoga, just come say hi to me.

Hello! I’m Gwennie,